Having begun my acting career at the Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich it was inevitable I would return there in some capacity, at some point. In 2014 I approached the trust and suggested Peter Beck and I be engaged to project manage the theatre, for a period of time long enough to make a real difference. We became their Joint Creative Directors (a first for the theatre’s 100 year history) and for 2 very challenging and rewarding years we turned the venue around. Together Peter and I went through every department and modernised, often just the two of us, with some very commitment volunteers (two of which are pictured). It was a blast, and a great deal of fun. There was a moment around about half way through our contract that the place was truly humming again with activity in each refurbished corner of this beautiful historic building.
We had taken over 50 large long wheel based transit van loads of ancient rubbish to the dump. Organised overnight ripping up of the carpet throughout the building. Re-designed the entire bar (In partnership with a local brewery) Created a vast montage of the theatre’s performance history (fully sponsored) gutted and transformed the Box Office, the entire backstage, including new storage rooms, costume spaces, electrical storage rooms, new staircases, new roof line, new sound system, new facilities in the Scene Dock, staff and volunteer training and development, with a new and important focus on health and safety throughout. We converted the historic cottage into offices and created income from rental. The studio theatre was modernised and re-named the Emmerson Studio Theatre. For the first time in the theatre’s history all 12 monthly In House Productions found sponsorship. We raised over £60,000 through Norfolk business and trusts. A fundraising gala auction raised £9,000 (£7,000 in one night) There was more press coverage throughout the two years than the theatre had seen, perhaps in its history. The percentages of takings went up from an average of just 28/30 % Box Office, to an average of 65% and on some shows up to 85%. The quality of work shared on stage improved enormously and directors began to return knowing there was a drive and vision happening again.
I remain proud of what was achieved in so little time, and remain grateful to the staff who held the faith whilst our whirlwind programme of re-launching one of the gems in the heart of the city centre took place. And to those on the trust who trusted us, a huge thank you, to those who didn’t I understand! it was quite a journey, but one I’m glad we all took, The theatre is a safer, better run place now than it has been for many, many years. As it celebrates it’s 100th year in 2021, I am proud to have played a part in its history, both on and off stage.
Directing at The Maddermarket
New Bar
Studio Theatre Fundraising

Not long after his return from London in 2005, Stash was asked to head up the re-launch of a proposed new studio theatre at The Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich. He produced a A3 colour brochure and half hour audio documentary, bringing together many of the high profile people he knows from London, all of whom lent their support to the project. He invited actress Kate O’Mara up to the theatre, where he interviewed her in front of an invited audience about her life and the need for a larger space for the education department at The Maddermarket.
Kate has since become the Patron of the New proposed Studio Theatre project.
His enthusiasm, at a meeting with the then editor of the Eastern Daily Press, secured front page coverage and a two page spread on the New Studio Theatre appeal.